Scotland so far….

Each Winter in Scotland seems to have certain characteristics, I remember a few years ago it was the “Windy Winter” a couple of years ago was it the “No Snow Winter”, this year it seems to be the “Winter of Giant Thaws”. Apparently this Saturdays staggering rise in temperatures, is due to a blast of air from the Caribbean coming in on the jet stream… Well it still doesn’t feel Caribbean up here in Aviemore right now!

Winter Skills in the Cairngorms

Walking into the Northern Corries

There has been a big amount of snow fallen, but being Scotland these snow falls have coincided with strong winds, meaning snow cover on the East side is poor, though it is good in the West. That is until this Giant Thaw sets in! Why does the weather never play ball to our plans?! I guess it’s one of the reasons that leads to Scottish Winter Climbing being so rewarding, and being such a great training ground!

Carn Mor Dearg Arete on a winter skills week

The CIC hut on a winter skills week ascent of Ben Nevis

The fluctuating weather aside, we have made the most of the conditions with our Winter Mountaineering courses, as well as plenty of personal climbing and skiing…

winter time skiing in scotland

Skiing in Scotland


In the month or so we’ve been up, there has literally been 2 properly great days of weather, this has led to some testing conditions for our clients! Fair enough the preceding month was staggeringly great, with no wind, perfect ice, sunshine (what’s that?!), it just so happened that we weren’t here then! (yes we were in the Himalaya so can’t complain too much..)

So, to keep us motivated whilst the weather does what it does up there (how much snow will we be left with on Sunday when the weather improves?!) – here are some pics of the last few weeks to inspire and remember… (and yes the weather IS going to get better – but were soon to depart to sunny Pembrokeshire!)

Winter walking in Glencoe

Winter skills week in Glencoe

winter walking course in scotland

Nearly on top a blustery and cold Ben Nevis during a winter skills week

night navigation off ben nevis this winter

Finishing in the dark after a long day on the CMD Arete, Ben Nevis, the culmination of a great week of winter skills

winter skills week scotland

Great conditions for a winter walk!

Snowy in scotland

On a very bluster Carn Mor Dearg Arete during a winter skills week

winter mountaineering ceirngorms

Looking in to the Northern Corries, don’t be fooled by the sun – the weather was brutal!

Abseiling off a snow bollard

Winter Skills in Glencoe – Snow bollards

Digging a snowhole in Scotland

Digging emergency shelters on a winter skills week in the Cairngorms

winter skills ropework

Gully Climbing in the Cairngorms