Sunny Easter Climbing Action!

Sunny Easter Climbing
It’s been an early Easter this year, but the weather these last few years seem to have the pattern of being good around this time, so we had some sunny Easter Climbing action! After the usual busy bank holiday, which didn’t really seem busy at all as we ventured to random esoteric crags that most visitors might not even know about, the sun really kicked off big time! Our Sunny Easter Climbing coincided with Courtney coming over from America to learn to trad lead climb…

Learning to Lead Climb in Pembrokeshire
Courtney was keen to learn as much as she could to take back to the US to compliment the styles and techniques she had learnt over there. She had been told that Pembrokeshire was the place to go to learn these skills, so this week we’ve been visiting the crags near St David’s. The sandstone crags in the area are a perfect learning ground, with plenty of friendly routes, with good gear and at a pleasant angle so you don’t get too tired… Plus there are some harder steeper routes to get the arms doing on, and some desperate thin and bold slab climbs! It really has it all…

Learning to Climb in Pembrokeshire
We had some super sunny Easter climbing weather, and the cliffs of Pembrokeshire were deserted as usual! Courtney’s enthusiasm and willingness to learn meant we packed loads in to each day and she did heaps of trad climbs and seconded some harder lines. We had long days to make the most of the awesome weather, and made sure we finished with an ice-cream at Gianni’s in St Davids. A top week with lovely company, and I think Courtney has caught the Pembrokeshire bug and will be back!

Courtney on her first trad lead climb!