Sport Climbing in Costa Blanca

Bill putting a massive effort in leading a long route at Toix, Sport Climbing in Costa Blanca..
After my few days teaching trad climbing, it was time for a day of teaching Sport Climbing in Costa Blanca before heading home.. I was with Bill, Bruno, David and Quentin on behalf of Rock and Sun, to run day 1 of their long weekend Sport Climbing in Costa Blanca. All were experienced climbers already, so the aim of the first day was to ensure everyone had safe rope-work skills for belaying, threading belays, lowering off and general sport climbing rope-work.

Sport Climbing in Costa Blanca, lovely spot by the sea at Toix..
With the UK winter often cold and chilly (or just wet and windy!) its becoming super popular to head south for some Sport Climbing in Costa Blanca, and similar European destinations over the winter. A short and cheap flight to Alacanti leaves you in range of so many great climbs, single and multi pitch, sport, trad and deep water soloing. The weather is generally very good in this particular area, making a trip Sport Climbing in Costa Blanca possibly your best chance of finding warm dry rock in Europe!

Sport Climbing in Costa Blanca, David leading a long route at Toix..
With a great day of weather ahead of us, we headed to Toix, check out it’s UKC description here… With lots of well bolted routes, easier and harder lines next to each and a variety of different lower-offs to look at, it has everything we needed all in one place! You could easily come here every day of your trip and not even scratch the surface of the routes on offer!

Quentin leading a steep 6a, and Bruno on a slabby 5, Sport Climbing in Costa Blanca has something to offer everyone..
After a review of skills the guys all got on the lead, everyone climbing till their arms were tired! Some big long 30m pitches were climbed – a bit of a step up from most indoor walls! The day set the guys up for the rest of their trip Sport Climbing in Costa Blanca! Great effort all on your first day and I’m sure Serg will be putting you through your paces for the next few days!

Bruno pushing his limits Sport Climbing in Costa Blanca!