Over the winter I’ve had some fantastic days Ski Touring in Scotland, and thought I’d share one particular day here, as it was one of the best I’ve had in the hills, on skis or climbing, anywhere in the world! Yes, Scotland can be pretty magical…
For this particular day Ski Touring in Scotland, I was out with Ben, a mate from Pembrokeshire, who was also up north of the boarder working. The weather forecast was near perfect, and looked set to be one of the best days of the winter, so although I was due to start my MIC training the next day, there was absolutely no way I could resist!

Ski Touring in Scotland
I had in the week previously been working on one of our Winter Skills Courses and had been up Sron Garbh a couple of time, once from the Devils Staircase and once from Am Bodach, so I had a good idea the snow was deep and cast up there! The ski-fields looked rammed, the car-parks were all full, yet with a bit of local knowledge we had the hill to ourselves!
After a long skin up and only 20 minutes walking, we were up above 900m. Not a breath of wind, views across to Skye and perfect snow conditions. Man we were psyched for the down hill! The whole way up the only company we had were the tracks of a fox, that had gone almost the exact same way we had – I wonder if it had enjoyed the views as much as us?!
Turn after perfect turn took us all the way down to the bottom of the Devils Staircase. What a day and great company… Here’s to more days like it next winter!