Scottish Winter Climbing with my cousin…

Looking down on Ed, on his first time Scottish Winter Climbing…
Over the weekend, my cousin Ed flew up to Inverness to meet me, and experience what Scottish winter climbing is all about. He’s a keen walker, but mostly in his home of the Cotswolds’, so Scottish winter climbing was a bit of a step up! (And despite the big cousin ‘big talk’ he is pretty terrified of heights!). We were staying at the wonderful Karn House, a hut owned by the FRCC, in Aviemore, and ventured into the Cairngorms for our daily excursions for some Scottish winter climbing.
He’d turned up with walking attire ready for some tea shop walks in the Cotswolds’, so after an extensive gear over-haul and some crampon adjusting, a plan was made to head into Coire an t-Schneachda, and a day on the Fiacaill ridge. We focused on safe and efficient movement, and using an ice axe and crampons for the first time, he got to the summit and experienced a proper Scottish whiteout!

Ed getting used to Winter Mountaineering up Fiacaille Ridge…
After a warm up, dry out and a few beers, we decided on Aladdin’s Couloir for the next day. Ed’s fear of heights didn’t get in the way and he managed to follow me up, finishing in another whiteout.. He took to Winter Climbing really quick, and proved to be surprisingly competent at it! (Even if I couldn’t persuade him to look at anything other than the square patch of snow in-front of him when we were climbing!).

Ed Winter Climbing for the first time, on Aladdin’s Couloir..
The view on the Monday of Ed’s depature was clear, sunny and incredible, Scotland taunting him to come back! Lots of fears confronted (I’m not sure conquered!), and a great experience, left Ed wanting more! Great weekend and great company cheers Ed!

Ed safely tethered to a rock!