Easter Climbing in Pembrokeshire and ML training Expedition…
The week in the run up to Easter has been very busy for us. First up we had return client Tony with us for a couple of days. He’s always keen to just do some lovely climbs. Having not visited the south Pembrokeshire limestone before, we headed to the Penally area each day. A day climbing at Fishermans Point and a day at Becks Point gave us loads of great routes in a very relaxed setting!

Tony climbing in beautiful Pembrokeshire Sunshine!
It was straight up to North Wales then to work on an ML training course expedition for Wet and High Adventures. I had 4 very keen and fun candidates for the 2 days so I had an easy job of walking in the Carneddau passing on some knowledge to them! We headed up from Bethesda and camped below Foel Grach, which we summmited at midnight during night-nav. It was then back over Yr Elen to give the candidates de-briefs and get straight back to Pembrokeshire for the start of the Easter weekend!

ML training in Snowdonia

ML night navigation training in Snowdonia
Easter is always a busy time on the Pembrokeshire sea-cliffs so you have to head to the lesser known crags to ensure you get them to yourselves! I was out on Easter Saturday with a lovely family of indoor climbers who were keen to climb outdoors for the first time, and learn a few bits and pieces. Pen Y Cyfrwy it was to be, we had beautiful weather and the cliffs were empty. Win!

Family taster Climbing session this Easter in Pembrokeshire

Easter climbing fun in Pembrokeshire
Easter Sunday I had the guys from Backabush Xplorers Walking club out climbing with me. With a large group in the morning we climbed at Newton Head, perfect for having a few climbs running at the same time. We had a nice social time and everyone pushed themselves loads! In the afternoon a couple of the guys stayed on with me. JP and Jennifer were keen to explore and try something more adventurous so we went to Saddle Head. We abseiled in and they seconded me up some routes there, getting to experience being “real” climbers!

Easter Abseiling in Pembrokeshire

Success! JP getting to the top of his first VS…

Climbing at Saddle Head in Pembrokeshire this Easter
A day off on Easter Monday, and with a nice forecast Joey and I decided to escape the crowds by visiting a crag we hadn’t been to before out at St Davids Head. It’s amazing that there are still so many great crags I’ve not climbed at – we really have so much climbing in Pembrokeshire! Penllechwen didn’t disappoint, a beautiful walk in, a scenic spot, quick easy abseil in and some lovely routes. It’s a pretty wild part of the coast here and good wildlife spottting is guaranteed – but we were in for a treat! Seals, Gannets, Swallows, Dolphins… Brilliant day to finish off the Easter weekend in Pembrokeshire, now a quick turn around before a week of Duke of Edinburgh in the Brecon Beacons!

Escaping the Easter crowds climbing in Pembrokeshire

Narrowly escaping getting wet!

Beautiful walk in to St Davids Head this Easter time…