Before heading to Costa Blanca I’d heard really only of the Bernia Ridge, as it seems to be the one all Brits have done. Everyone speaks very highly of it – they clearly haven’t done any of the others!! I didn’t realise there were so many beautiful ridge lines here, with amazing natural sweeps of limestone forming great knife-edge ridges many hundreds of meters (or kilometres!) long.
The first one we did was totally by chance as we drove along and spotted the immaculate Benicadell Ridge – which made us go wow and immediately find out info about it.
In no particular order, below is a one sentence run down of each of the ones we did. The Bendicadell is far and away the best one, literally incomparably better, yet isn’t in the Rockfax guide – and the Bernia is by a long long margin the worst!! It turns out Rockfax made a mini guide to the Costa Blanca ridges, which we didn’t know until we’d already done most of them – but did spur us on at the end to finish them.
Bernia Ridge – nice setting, short section of horrendously polished climbing, lots of walking.
Castellat Ridge – bit of a bush bash to get on and off it, nicely exposed but really just a scramble.
Benicadell Ridge – totally amazing, several sections of climbing amongst loads of scrambling, goes on and on in a good way!
Toix Ridge – nice climb onto it, then a VERY short little scramble,
Segaria Ridge – really good, mostly scrambling but keeps coming at you, escapable at half way, some longer abseils than expected!