Another few decent weeks of weather since the last blog, and a pretty busy time in the run up to heading off to India working for a month.. To start off with I was running a Rock Climbing Instructor Assessment, with a one day refresher for a couple of the candidates beforehand. We had lovely weather and the guys and girls all did splendidly! Always a pleasure to run Mountaim Training assesment courses for lovely people!

Zach cruising his way through his Rock Climbing Instructor Assessment in Pembrokeshire
I was back with some school groups after that for 4 days, for the Real Adventure Company first, then Dragon Activity Guides. We ventured to Pen y Cwfwry each day for some seaside adventures in the sun…

Pen y Cwfwry in the sun with some visiting school groups in Pembrokeshire
Then we had a quick evening hit out for some personal climbing at a beautiful and deserted Porth y Fynnon, where we led some routes we hadn’t done in years, always nice to be able to find new or unfamiliar ground on home turf!

Joey following me up on of the HVSs’ at Porth y Fynnon…
Next was a day out with some strong students that were doing activities with TYF, really impressive to see some of the girls cruising all the routes at Porth Clais with ease!

Walking up Dreamboat Annie…
I then had a few days working with the Princes Trust group that were staying with The Real Adventure Company, we did a whole heap of activities and personal development, including a whole day climbing and abseiling at a Wolfs Rocks – the team did fantastic with everyone achieving great things!

The Princes Trust team climbing at Wolfs Rocks, Pembrokeshire
As part of my role as Technical Advisor to several of the Outdoor Activity providers in Pembrokeshire, I run yearly coastal crag endorsements for their Rock Climbing Instructors, so they can work on certain easy access single pitch sea cliffs that fall outside the remit of their award. After some training a few weeks ago I spent the evening out with Pete, Martin and Ben making sure their skills were still current and slick….

Martin heading back up the rope after sorting out an “unconscious” Pete…
A nice day then with Liz and Rich, who were trying outside climbing for the first time. Some great routes climbed and comfort zones definitely pushed!

Rich experiencing seacliff climbing for the first time at Porth Clais.
Instead of rock it was high ropes next, acting in my role as Technical a Advisor for Newgale Lodge, I was training so,e of their staff to be able to assist on sessions at their facility. Good basic skills practised and an ethos of avoidance cultured!

Staff training at Newgale Lodge high ropes course.
After a few days coasteering work I was over at Newgale Lodge again to run their high ropes course sign offs. Its great to see Mike and his team grow year on year at this fantastic facility – get in touch with them if you’re in Pembrokeshire and fancy a high ropes adventure!

Leap of faith on to the trapeze at Newgale Lodge High ropes course…away for a
Im away for a month now guiding in the Indian Himalaya, hopefully summiting Stok Kangri with my team from World Challenge, it should be a pretty big challenge for the students at 20,187ft high!